Possibility to Mock<IToken> to get the results we expect instead of directly performing the queries.
Comments: Associated with changeset 33603: Version
- Implementing Tests for FriendshipQueryGenerator
- Create Friendship (UserDTO, ScreenName, Id)
- Update Friendship Authorizations (ScreenName, Id)
- Destroy Friendship (UserDTO, ScreenName, Id)
- Updated code to resolve failing tests notably the DestroyFriendship that did not invoke the right Twitter Sevice operation.
Comments: Associated with changeset 33603: Version
- Implementing Tests for FriendshipQueryGenerator
- Create Friendship (UserDTO, ScreenName, Id)
- Update Friendship Authorizations (ScreenName, Id)
- Destroy Friendship (UserDTO, ScreenName, Id)
- Updated code to resolve failing tests notably the DestroyFriendship that did not invoke the right Twitter Sevice operation.