My test tweet has one retweet.
When I use Tweetinivi.Tweet.GetTweet(id) I get the correct object back, and the RetweetCount has a value of 1.
There is another property called Retweets, that is of type List<Tweetinvi.Core.Interfaces.ITweet>, which is always null.
Is there a way to see who retweeted the post in question? I'm ultimately trying to get each "retweeters" FollowerCount...see what kind of "Reach" the post got.
I'd be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
When I use Tweetinivi.Tweet.GetTweet(id) I get the correct object back, and the RetweetCount has a value of 1.
There is another property called Retweets, that is of type List<Tweetinvi.Core.Interfaces.ITweet>, which is always null.
Is there a way to see who retweeted the post in question? I'm ultimately trying to get each "retweeters" FollowerCount...see what kind of "Reach" the post got.
I'd be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.