Well, finally stumbled on another possible way to do this:
I did find out by pulling information out of the tweet object, if found that the Creator object was not fully populated. The only value that comes back appears to be the Id. Is this a future feature or should we just expect to have to go grab the user based on the ID here?
var credentials = TwitterCredentials.CreateCredentials(sa.AccessToken, sa.AccessTokenSecret, s.PublicKey, s.PrivateKey);
ILoggedUser user = Tweetinvi.User.GetLoggedUser(credentials);
ITweet tweet = Tweet.CreateTweet(txtTweet.Text);
I can live with that but thought you should still know about the above error.I did find out by pulling information out of the tweet object, if found that the Creator object was not fully populated. The only value that comes back appears to be the Id. Is this a future feature or should we just expect to have to go grab the user based on the ID here?