Hi there,
Sorry for taking so much time to reply to your post. I usually respond within hours but I have been working a lot lately.
This feature is something that you have to implement by doing a simple regex/search over the Tweet.Text foreach of your keyworkds.
Though, if you are willing to use the Stream API, Tweetinvi does that for you.
Kind Regards,
Sorry for taking so much time to reply to your post. I usually respond within hours but I have been working a lot lately.
This feature is something that you have to implement by doing a simple regex/search over the Tweet.Text foreach of your keyworkds.
// This code can be improved for performancesvar keywords = new[] { "obama", "apple" }; var search = keywords[0]; keywords.ForEach(x => search += "OR" + x); var tweets = Search.SearchTweets(search); foreach (var tweet in tweets) { foreach (var keyword in keywords) { if (tweet.Text.Contains(keyword)) { // Your code here to manage it } } }
var keywords = new[] { "obama", "apple" }; var stream = Stream.CreateFilteredStream(); foreach (var keyword in keywords) { stream.AddTrack(keyword); } stream.MatchingTweetReceived += (sender, args) => { var matchingKeywords = args.MatchingTracks; var tweet = args.Tweet; }; stream.StartStreamMatchingAllConditions();