I am trying to monitor a #tag been tweeted, this isn't specific to any single user, as it is the #tag I am interested in, as I have to perform some other tasks once its received. i though that by using the filteredstream i would be able to get this as i thought it was a public stream, but i am only getting a response when i tweet the #tag, if i get my developer to tweet it i get nothing.
this is the code i am using, it is very basic, and the #tag will be changed once i have found one, and done what needs doing with it.
this is the code i am using, it is very basic, and the #tag will be changed once i have found one, and done what needs doing with it.
TwitterCredentials.SetCredentials("Access_Token","Token_Secret", "Consumer_Key","Consumer_Secret");
var filteredStream = Tweetinvi.Stream.CreateFilteredStream();
filteredStream.MatchingTweetReceived += filteredStream_MatchingTweetReceived;
catch (Exception excp)
any pointers would be much appreciated, i am maybe misunderstanding the filteredstream function.Thanks