What you could do is use the method that you highlighted as it can retrieve up to 100 tweets per request => 100*180 = 18000tweets/15min.
Unfortunately I have not implemented this one yet, but I will implement it in next release for you.
Here is the code you can use:
Let me know if this helps you.
Unfortunately I have not implemented this one yet, but I will implement it in next release for you.
Here is the code you can use:
var ids = new[] {20, 432656548536401920}; var queryParameters = String.Join("%2C", ids); var query = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/lookup.json?id=" + queryParameters; var tweetDTOs = TwitterAccessor.ExecuteGETQuery<IEnumerable<ITweetDTO>>(query); var tweets = Tweet.GenerateTweetsFromDTO(tweetDTOs);