Yes I tested that and in fact you cannot retrieve tweets from protected users with the FilteredStream.
If you want to get tweets from protected users, you need to follow them and have them following you (bi-directional relationship), even with this I am not sure you can access the information of protected accounts because the FilteredStream is a Public Stream.
Otherwise, if you want to receive the tweets from your friends on Twitter, you can Use the UserStream and the event .TweetCreatedByAnyOneButMe.
At this stage you can filter the friends from who you receive the tweets from.
You can find an example of how to do this in this discussion : https://tweetinvi.codeplex.com/discussions/472205
Yes I tested that and in fact you cannot retrieve tweets from protected users with the FilteredStream.
If you want to get tweets from protected users, you need to follow them and have them following you (bi-directional relationship), even with this I am not sure you can access the information of protected accounts because the FilteredStream is a Public Stream.
Otherwise, if you want to receive the tweets from your friends on Twitter, you can Use the UserStream and the event .TweetCreatedByAnyOneButMe.
At this stage you can filter the friends from who you receive the tweets from.
You can find an example of how to do this in this discussion : https://tweetinvi.codeplex.com/discussions/472205