There are various events that you can use with the UserStream of Tweetinvi.
Please have a look here to learn how to use the UserStream.
Please have a look here to learn how to use the UserStream.
var userStream = Stream.CreateUserStream(); userStream.TweetFavouritedByAnyoneButMe += (sender, args) => { Console.WriteLine("A tweet has been favourited by one of the person you follow!"); }; userStream.TweetCreatedByAnyoneButMe += (sender, args) => { var tweet = args.Tweet; var personYouFollow = tweet.Creator; if (tweet.IsRetweet) { Console.WriteLine(personYouFollow.Name + " you follow has retweeted the tweet : " + tweet.Text); } if (tweet.InReplyToUserId != null) { Console.WriteLine(personYouFollow.Name + " you follow has posted a tweet in reply to the person with the id : " + tweet.InReplyToUserId); } }; userStream.StartStream();