i am now getting the following error: "the request was aborted: could not create SSL/TLS secure channel".
how do i fix this, please see with me I am new to programming.
my application was working fine before twitter made the changes
Comments: ** Comment from web user: swaby **
how do i fix this, please see with me I am new to programming.
my application was working fine before twitter made the changes
Comments: ** Comment from web user: swaby **
thanks for your reply,
whats NuGet?
I change to dotnet 4.5 and lost most of the errors.
i am now left with only one error.
this declaration gives the following error:
Dim stream As IFilteredStream = New FilteredStream()
Error 1 'IFilteredStream' is ambiguous, imported from the namespaces or types 'Tweetinvi.Core.Interfaces.Streaminvi, TweetinCore.Interfaces.StreamInvi'.