Again async :p
I can see what is wrong with your code.
As I tried to described previously, calling GetAuthorizationURL results in the applicationCredentials to have its AuthorizationToken value to be set.
In the second method you are creating a new ApplicationCredentials which will not be linked to the previous URL because the AuthorizationKey won't be set.
What you need to do is to store the information of the AuthorizationKey and AuthorizationSecret in your Session and set them back when the second method is invoked.
I can see what is wrong with your code.
As I tried to described previously, calling GetAuthorizationURL results in the applicationCredentials to have its AuthorizationToken value to be set.
In the second method you are creating a new ApplicationCredentials which will not be linked to the previous URL because the AuthorizationKey won't be set.
What you need to do is to store the information of the AuthorizationKey and AuthorizationSecret in your Session and set them back when the second method is invoked.
// In GenerateAuthorisationRequest after the call to GetAuthorizationURL Session["AuthorizationKey"] = applicationCredentials.AuthorizationKey; Session["AuthorizationSecret"] = applicationCredentials.AuthorizationSecret; // In ConfirmAuthorisationRequest right after creating the applicationCredentials applicationCredentials.AuthorizationKey = Session["AuthorizationKey"]; applicationCredentials.AuthorizationSecret = Session["AuthorizationSecret"];