I'm using the latest Nuget package of Tweetinvi. I'm having trouble creating filtered streams for both hashtags (#) and cahstags ($). Cashtags are used in tweets when users are referencing market securities such as stocks ($FB).
Is there a workaround to this? Is there something on the roadmap to better deal with hashtags and cashtags?
int tweets = 0;
var stream = Stream.CreateFilteredStream();
stream.MatchingTweetReceived += (o, args) =>
logger.Debug(String.Format("{0}\t{1}", args.Tweet, ++tweets));
For example, $FB is a very popular cashtag on Twitter. However, my filtered stream is not picking up tweets. The same goes for hastags. If I remove # or $ from my tracks, I get flooded with tweets, however, the $/# tagging is important to filter out garbage that I am not interested in.Is there a workaround to this? Is there something on the roadmap to better deal with hashtags and cashtags?