So real quick - I'm writing a console application that reads a list of twitter accounts. Let's say for example you are a video game enthusiast, and you want to follow everyone associated with Unity 3d. So you pull up the Unity 3d list of twitter handles, and auto follow them.
What I don't quite understand is exactly when an API call is used and counted against me in this scenario, so if someone could hold my hand for a minute and tell me how to improve this that would be great.
Right now the app runs, authenticates the user, and follows a fairly decent number of accounts. I'd say it gets 50 at a time. But I haven't necessarily timed it. A few times my program has prematurely printed "press any key..." statement towards the bottom.
How would I put in checks, and read those checks, to debug this? Thanks a bunch for your help.
What I don't quite understand is exactly when an API call is used and counted against me in this scenario, so if someone could hold my hand for a minute and tell me how to improve this that would be great.
Right now the app runs, authenticates the user, and follows a fairly decent number of accounts. I'd say it gets 50 at a time. But I haven't necessarily timed it. A few times my program has prematurely printed "press any key..." statement towards the bottom.
How would I put in checks, and read those checks, to debug this? Thanks a bunch for your help.
// Setup your credentials
string ConsumerKey = "HIDDEN ON PURPOSE";
string ConsumerSecret = "HIDDEN ON PURPOSE"
var ApplicationCredentials = CredentialsCreator.GenerateApplicationCredentials(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret);
// Authorize the app
var URL = CredentialsCreator.GetAuthorizationURL(ApplicationCredentials);
ILoggedUser LoggedUser = null;
while(LoggedUser == null)
Console.WriteLine("We directed you to the following address: {0}, so you can authorize"
+ " our app to access your Twitter Account. Please enter the captcha code provided on the"
+ " website after loging in:", URL);
var Captcha = Console.ReadLine();
TwitterCredentials.ApplicationCredentials = CredentialsCreator.GetCredentialsFromVerifierCode(Captcha, ApplicationCredentials);
LoggedUser = User.GetLoggedUser(TwitterCredentials.ApplicationCredentials);
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("\r\nWe couldn't log you in. Are you sure you typed the number correctly?"
+ " Let's try again. Press any key to continue...\r\n");
Console.WriteLine("\r\nWe successfully logged you in as: {0}\r\n", LoggedUser.Name);
// Follow a list of accounts
string[] users = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\twitterHandles.txt");
if (users.Any())
foreach(string user in users.Skip(500))
var userToFollow = User.GetUserFromScreenName(user);
if(userToFollow != null)
if (LoggedUser.FollowUser(userToFollow))
Console.WriteLine("You have successfully sent a request to follow {0}", userToFollow.Name);
Console.WriteLine(@"\r\nThank you for following using our app!\r\nPress any key to quit the program.");