Verify that Tweetinvi is compatible with Windows XP.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: JDL666 **
Comments: ** Comment from web user: JDL666 **
I just came across Tweetinvi today.
Very interesting, but since there are large significant numbers of people still using XP, it's really important to support it - the app that I am working on is VS2013, .Net 4.0, Windows XP-compatiable because I don't want to lock out the XP users and to avoidiing forcing to buy a new version of windows just to be able to my app.
The "Portable Code" libraries appear to be anything but that.
A generic VS2013, .Net 4.0, XP visual studio solution with all of the .NET 4.5-specific async/await code conditionally compiled out would be most useful and much appreciated!