Yes it is not implemented because no one requested it until now. But as you just did, I added the Work Item to be available in the next release (
Work Item
In the meantime here is what you need to do.
And here you go ;)
Yes it is not implemented because no one requested it until now. But as you just did, I added the Work Item to be available in the next release (
Work Item
In the meantime here is what you need to do.
- Reference Newtonsoft.Json in your project (use nuget, Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json).
Create the following model representing the json of the configuration endpoint:
publicclass TwitterConfiguration { [JsonProperty("characters_reserved_per_media")] publicint CharactersReservedPerMedia { get; privateset; } [JsonProperty("max_media_per_upload")] publicint MaxMediaPerUpload { get; privateset; } [JsonProperty("non_username_paths")] publicstring[] NonUsernamePaths { get; privateset; } [JsonProperty("photo_size_limit")] publicint PhotoSizeLimit { get; privateset; } [JsonProperty("photo_sizes")] public Dictionary<string, MediaEntitySize> PhotoSizes { get; privateset; } [JsonProperty("short_url_length")] publicint ShortURLLength { get; privateset; } [JsonProperty("short_url_length_https")] publicint ShortURLLengthHttps { get; privateset; } }
Invoke the endpoint:
var configuration = TwitterAccessor.ExecuteGETQuery<TwitterConfiguration>("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/help/configuration.json");