Hehe good good good,
Well you can have a look into the post just right after yours (https://tweetinvi.codeplex.com/discussions/588444).
It depends on whether the Model that you are trying to get already exist in Tweetinvi.
And then do the same as the first example but with your Model :
Fairly easy right?
Well you can have a look into the post just right after yours (https://tweetinvi.codeplex.com/discussions/588444).
It depends on whether the Model that you are trying to get already exist in Tweetinvi.
If it does, then you can simply do the following:
// Getting Tweets from Timelinevar tweets = TwitterAccessor.ExecuteGETQuery<IEnumerable<ITweetDTO>>("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/home_timeline.json");
If it does not exist then you need to create a model where you specify some JsonProperty as followed
// Modelpublicclass TwitterConfiguration { // Basic property [JsonProperty("characters_reserved_per_media")] publicint CharactersReservedPerMedia { get; privateset; } // List of items [JsonProperty("non_username_paths")] publicstring[] NonUsernamePaths { get; privateset; } // Using existing Tweetinvi Models [JsonProperty("photo_sizes")] public Dictionary<string, MediaEntitySize> PhotoSizes { get; privateset; } }
var configuration = TwitterAccessor.ExecuteGETQuery<TwitterConfiguration>("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/help/configuration.json");