Hi again,
Please send me the result of the following code.
As a result of your request I will add a feature to add TwitterException to the ExceptionHandler and get the expected result from it.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Please send me the result of the following code.
try { var applicationCredentials = CredentialsCreator.GenerateApplicationCredentials(Settings.GetString("TwitterConsumerKey"), Settings.GetString("TwitterConsumerSecret")); var newCredentials = CredentialsCreator.GetCredentialsFromCallbackURL(oContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, applicationCredentials); } catch (TwitterException ex) { var detailsToSendToLinvi = string.Format("status code : {0}\r\n", ex.StatusCode); detailsToSendToLinvi += string.Format("description : {0}\r\n", ex.TwitterDescription); if (ex.TwitterExceptionInfos != null&& ex.TwitterExceptionInfos.Count() > 0) { detailsToSendToLinvi += "--- DETAILS \r\n"; foreach (var details in ex.TwitterExceptionInfos) { detailsToSendToLinvi += string.Format("{0} : {1}", details.Code, details.Message); } } // SEND ME THIS Console.WriteLine(detailsToSendToLinvi); }
Looking forward to hearing from you.