dear linvi,
i have finally managed to retrieve the long list of followers I needed. However, i still have problems with the popular guys. I am using your automatic cursored query with only one set of credentials and it gives me back only the first 75K followers (i suppose it is 15x5K limit). I do not find a way to tell to the program to get me the next followers, starting from the 75,000th. Could you help me with that?
This is what i use:
Thank you in advance
i have finally managed to retrieve the long list of followers I needed. However, i still have problems with the popular guys. I am using your automatic cursored query with only one set of credentials and it gives me back only the first 75K followers (i suppose it is 15x5K limit). I do not find a way to tell to the program to get me the next followers, starting from the 75,000th. Could you help me with that?
This is what i use:
var followerQuery = String.Format("{0}", myPolitician.Id);
var results = TwitterAccessor.ExecuteCursorGETCursorQueryResult<IIdsCursorQueryResultDTO>(followerQuery);
var followerIds = results.SelectMany(x => x.Ids);
IEnumerable<long> ids = followerIds as IList<long> ?? followerIds.ToList();
i have also tried with something like var results = TwitterAccessor.ExecuteCursorGETCursorQueryResult<IIdsCursorQueryResultDTO>(followerQuery, 75000, IdLastFoll);
but this would just give me a null result.Thank you in advance