Tweetinvi Update
Quick Overview
- Account and Friendships - New static classes
- UserStream Update
- Tweet Entities
- Performances
- Bug Fixes
- SpecialThanks
Account and Friendships
In Tweetinvi 0.9.7.x the major update was the complete implementation of the Friendship API.As part of this enhancement I moved some features from the static User class into the Account and Friendship static classes.
Also the new properties implemented by twitter for relationships have been added in Tweetinvi.
New features
// Account Settingsvar accountSettings = Account.GetCurrentAccountSettings();
// List users who wants to follow your current accountSettingsvar friendshipRequests = Account.GetUsersRequestingFriendship(); // List users you want to followvar usersYouWantToFollow = Account.GetUsersYouRequestedToFollow(); // Update relationship authorizations with user Account.UpdateRelationshipAuthorizationsWith("tweetinviapi", enableRetweets, enableNotificationsOnDevices); // Get Relationship Detailsvar relationshipDetails = Friendship.GetRelationshipDetailsBetween("tweetinviapi", "twitterapi");
Moved Functions
- GetMutedUserIds
- MuteUser
- UnMuteUser
UserStream Update
In order to add a missing of the UserStream class, Tweetinvi is now handling the AccessRevoked message. This message is sent by Twitter when the Token used by the stream to connect to Twitter is revoked. This message is usually followed by a disconnect message.var us = Stream.CreateUserStream(); us.AccessRevoked += (sender, args) => { Console.WriteLine("Application {0} had its access revoked!", args.Info.ApplicationName); };
Tweet Entities
Tweet Entities have been improved. Instead of returning either the Extended Entities or Legacy Entities we Tweetinvi is now aggregating the information of both and returns this as single object.MultiThreading Performances
Version 0.9.7.x improved the global performances of WebRequests for highly multi threaded applications.Bug Fixes
- HttpClient WebRequests TaskCancelledException is now correctly Handled
- HttpClient is now handling exception status code as exception.
- Fixed a "major" bug that could result in static classes to be instantiated twice in an application life cycle.
Special Thanks
- To JKeegan for his great help identifying major issues and reporting performance issues.
- To KeesCBakker for reporting TwitterEntities bugs.