I have set up my application with twitter and i used TweetInvi to connect to twitter. Everything works just fine, but the rate limit for Search is 180 while i expect it to be 450.
Below is how i authenticate
TwitterCredentials.SetCredentials(userAccessToken, userAccessSecret, consumerKey, consumerSecret);
var rateLimits = RateLimit.GetCurrentCredentialsRateLimits();
rateLimits.SearchTweetsLimit.Limit is giving 180.
I am using tweetinvi version
Is this how i should use the authentication mechanism to activate application authentication? Can you please help me figure out why the user level rate limit is applied even though i am using an application level key.
BTW Fantastic API. Thanks so much for making it available for every one to use.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: linvi **
Hi there,
Tweetinvi does not yet support Application only authentication but for the Credentials.
Very few people needs the Application only authentication so I decided a while ago to implement all the Twitter REST API endpoints before permitting developers to access Twitter with Application only credentials.
Here is the Work Item associated with it.
Now, seeing that their are 3 votes on this work item, and with yours it would be 4. I am considering implementing this feature in coming or next release. The thing is that it won't be available before at least 1.5/2 months.
Sorry for this. I always try my best to implement what the developers needs the most so I have to take decision on the Work Items that needs to be implemented. This is why I create a '[What do you want](https://tweetinvi.codeplex.com/discussions/635800)' for each release.