I am using this code:
How to store in db de correct cursor for resuming and continue the scrap in the same position??
var results = TwitterAccessor.ExecuteCursorGETCursorQueryResult<IIdsCursorQueryResultDTO>(followerQuery, int.MaxValue, cursor);
if (results != null)
var resultsArray = results.ToArray();
for (var resultIndex = arrayCursor; resultIndex < resultsArray.Length; resultIndex++)
var resAPI = false;
resAPI = this.setFollowers(resultsArray[resultIndex], scrapId);
if (!resAPI)
lists.resumeScrap(DateTime.Now, resultIndex, cursor, scrapId);
lists.setListStatus("pause", scrapId);
else {
lists.updateCursor((resultIndex + 1), scrapId);
cursor = results.Last().NextCursor;
} while (cursor != 0);
It works the first time, I get 15 arrays with 5000 Ids but it´s and account of 300.000
How to store in db de correct cursor for resuming and continue the scrap in the same position??