Thanks for your reply!
I dónt need the rate limit method beacause my software it´s not waiting every time beacause it´s a service that starts and stop and I have to resumen the search operation.
I need to check in a running service the iteration but the cursor code snippet it´s not working.
The query is:
var results = TwitterAccessor.ExecuteCursorGETCursorQueryResult<IIdsCursorQueryResultDTO>("", int.MaxValue, 1502568644149522561);
The next cursor value is ->1502568644149522561
The first time with cursor -1 I have got and array with 15 elements of 5000 ids but results.Last().NextCursor returns 1502568644149522561 cursor.
I think the error it´s the cursor value but I am doing how you say.
What´s the problem??
Thanks you so much for your support!
I dónt need the rate limit method beacause my software it´s not waiting every time beacause it´s a service that starts and stop and I have to resumen the search operation.
I need to check in a running service the iteration but the cursor code snippet it´s not working.
The query is:
var results = TwitterAccessor.ExecuteCursorGETCursorQueryResult<IIdsCursorQueryResultDTO>("", int.MaxValue, 1502568644149522561);
The next cursor value is ->1502568644149522561
The first time with cursor -1 I have got and array with 15 elements of 5000 ids but results.Last().NextCursor returns 1502568644149522561 cursor.
I think the error it´s the cursor value but I am doing how you say.
What´s the problem??
Thanks you so much for your support!