Hello Linvi,
Thanks for your response
OS and version (e.g. Windows Server 2008)==> Windows server 2008 sp2
.NET Framework installed 4.0
.NET Framework target of the project 4.0
Have you tried making the service work without TopShelf? yes using classic windows services
Have you encountered any issue on another environment of production? On another pre-production environment? no only one pre-production environment and several local machines with no problems
I will issue you new DLLs as well as debug DLLs to see if this has any effect on the bug.
Thanks for your help
Thanks for your response
OS and version (e.g. Windows Server 2008)==> Windows server 2008 sp2
.NET Framework installed 4.0
.NET Framework target of the project 4.0
Have you tried making the service work without TopShelf? yes using classic windows services
Have you encountered any issue on another environment of production? On another pre-production environment? no only one pre-production environment and several local machines with no problems
I will issue you new DLLs as well as debug DLLs to see if this has any effect on the bug.
Thanks for your help