Hi linvi. It remains the same. I´ll spend some time comparing again the PC´s configurations. It´s a nonsense that in one machine works and not in the other. Now, just to be sure: ¿Are the following the steps to use Tweetinvi from scracht?
1-First I create my twitter app in dev.twitter.com
2-Chance the permisions to Read, Write and Direct Messages
3-Get the access tokens(access and secret)
4-Copy this four values (consumer and token) and use to create a IToken like this:
IToken token = new Token(
I´m correct or i´m missing something?
1-First I create my twitter app in dev.twitter.com
2-Chance the permisions to Read, Write and Direct Messages
3-Get the access tokens(access and secret)
4-Copy this four values (consumer and token) and use to create a IToken like this:
IToken token = new Token(
5- Once the IToken was created, I can use the Twitter API without problem.I´m correct or i´m missing something?