I have a console application that tries to retrieve twitts from an account, everything worked fine a week ago, but when I tried to run it today, it suddenly returned 0 twitts, no error, just 0 twitts.
I tried updating my dlls, changing the account (even though I am sure it has twitts), and changing the credentials, but I am still getting zero results.
I'm driving crazy!!
here's my code:
I have a console application that tries to retrieve twitts from an account, everything worked fine a week ago, but when I tried to run it today, it suddenly returned 0 twitts, no error, just 0 twitts.
I tried updating my dlls, changing the account (even though I am sure it has twitts), and changing the credentials, but I am still getting zero results.
I'm driving crazy!!
here's my code:
TwitterCredentials.SetCredentials(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessToken"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessSecret"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerKey"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerSecret"]);
TweetSearchParameters searchParams = new TweetSearchParameters(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Account"]);
string dateTimeFormat = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DateFormat"].ToString();
DateTime until = DateTime.ParseExact(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Until"].ToString(), dateTimeFormat, null);
DateTime since = DateTime.ParseExact(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Since"].ToString(), dateTimeFormat, null);
searchParams.MaximumNumberOfResults = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaximumNumberOfResults"].ToString());
searchParams.TweetSearchType = Tweetinvi.Core.Interfaces.Parameters.TweetSearchType.OriginalTweetsOnly;
IEnumerable<ITweet> tweets = Search.SearchTweets(searchParams);