NEW VERSION (bug fixes for RateLimits) - special thanks to JKeegan for his feedbacks
This release contains a large number of breaking changes regarding authentication and credentials.With the intention of improving the web logic layer, I have also performed some important refactoring as well as changes in the parameters order. Please carefully read the changes section.
- Publish Tweets
- Quoted Tweets (retweets with text)
- Upload (chunked)
- Proxy improvements
- Invalidate Tokens
- OAuth (advanced)
- Bug Fixes
Breaking Changes
Tweetinvi 0.9.9.x introduces various break changes that were considered necessary as part of 4 different work items:- Implementation of Application Only Authentication
- Refactor of Tweet Publish
- Simplify the request of credentials via the Credentials Creator
- Complete rewriting of the Authentication Process
Please read carefully the list of changes:
- IMPORTANT : Auth.SetUserCredentials now takes the consumer key andconsumer secret as FIRST parameters. As opposed as the old `TwitterCredentials.SetCredentials` that took theaccess token and access token secret as first parameters.
- Tweet are no longer being published with different methods. Only `Tweet.Publish` is now available. In addition we introduced a `TweetPublishParameters` that sets all additional information that you want the tweet to contain.
- ITweet.Length is no longer calculating a tweet size before publishing it. Instead the static Tweet class now contains a `Length()` method calculating the size of a tweet based on publication parameters.
- The static class `Tweetinvi.TwitterCredentials` has now become `Tweetinvi.Auth`.
- `TwitterCredentials.SetCredentials` has now become `Auth.SetUserCredentials` when used with 4 credentials information.
- `TwitterCredentials.SetCredentials` has now become `Auth.SetCredentials` when used with an ITwitterCredentials.
- The `OAuthCredentials` class can now be new up and is now called `TwitterCredentials`
- The new `TwitterCredentials` now contains additional information used for the login process or the application only authentication.
Windows 10
Windows 10 universal apps are now supported. Examplinvi.UniversalApp is a project that could inspire you to develop your own solution.Example Projects
To help our community we have created 2 very basic projects using Tweetinvi.- Examplinvi.Web demonstrates how to authenticate a user with Twitter
- Examplinvi.UniversalApp demonstrates how to set up a Windows 10 universal app with Tweetinvi
Publish Tweets
Publish Tweets has been completely refactored in order to: improve usability; allow developers to publish tweet with any combination; make publish future proof.// You can still publish simple tweets as you did beforevar tweet = Tweet.PublishTweet("hello tweetinvi"); // But if you want more control, you will need to instantiate a PublishTweetOptionalParameters// Many new options have been added so feel free to try them!var tweet = Tweet.PublishTweet("hello tweetinvi", new PublishTweetOptionalParameters() { PossiblySensitive = true });
// As you can no longer create a temporary tweet that will be published, you will now rely on // Tweet.Length() to calculate the length of a tweet before it is publishedvar publishParameter = new PublishTweetParameters("hello tweetinvi", new PublishTweetOptionalParameters { QuotedTweet = existingTweet }); var publicationLength = Tweet.Length(publishParameter);
Application Only Authentication
Application only authentication is now supported by Tweetinvi. This feature is now available with the following code.// If you do not have a Bearer Token stored Auth.SetApplicationOnlyCredentials("CONSUMER_KEY", "CONSUMER_SECRET", true); // Or Auth.SetApplicationOnlyCredentials("CONSUMER_KEY", "CONSUMER_SECRET"); Auth.InitializeApplicationOnlyCredentials();
// If you already have a Bearer Tokenvar bearerToken = "some_value_that_you_stored_in_your_db"; Auth.SetApplicationOnlyCredentials("CONSUMER_KEY", "CONSUMER_SECRET", bearerToken);
Quoted Tweets
Tweetinvi now simulates the Quoted Tweet behavior introduced by the Twitter team. It allows to create a comment to another PublishTweetOptionalParameters
QuotedTweet = existingTweet
Tweetinvi now officially supports chunked uploads and therefore video upload on Twitter.// Simple Video Uploadvar media = Upload.UploadVideo(videoBinary);
Sometimes you will need to upload some content in multiple chunks. Here is how you can do this.
var uploader = Upload.CreateChunkedUploader(); // Initialize the uploadvar initSucceeded = uploader.Init("video/mp4", totalBinaryLength); // Upload your different chunksvar success1 = uploader.Append(firstChunk); var success2 = uploader.Append(secondChunk); // When you have uploaded all your chunksvar media = uploader.Complete();
With the refactor of the Web logic Tweetinvi is now capable of using the proxy settings on the following:- Authentication requests
- Upload requests
Invalidate Token
As part of the Application Only Credentials, it is now possible for developers to invalidate a specific token using the following code:var success = Auth.InvalidateCredentials(credentials);
The `TwitterClientHandler` is a new class simplifying the implementation of custom `HttpHandlers`.If you intend to add specific logic to `HttpHandlers` that is not supported by Tweetinvi please follow these instructions :
1. Create a sub-class of `TwitterClientHandler`.
2. Override `Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(ITwitterQuery twitterQuery, HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)`.
3. Implement this method and update the request based on your context and the incoming ITwitterQuery.
Please note that you should not need to store any additional information in your custom `HttpHandler`. The ITwitterQuery should provide all the information you need to set up your request.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a 'bug' in FilteredStream that resulted in Tweetinvi to not return tweets which bounding box overlapped a location filter.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent a query from executing in an ASP.NET project.
- Bug fix of Timeout that could have the value of 0