I would like to know if there's a way to publish a tweet using specific credentials.
In an older release, we had the possibility to specifiy a token.
I understand that now you're using static thread to keep user credentials into seperate threads.
But in an applicaiton that manage multiple accounts, we always need to SetCredentials before publish, otherwise the tweet won't be published on the right account.
PS: Is there a way to get the error when publish fails ?
I would like to know if there's a way to publish a tweet using specific credentials.
In an older release, we had the possibility to specifiy a token.
I understand that now you're using static thread to keep user credentials into seperate threads.
But in an applicaiton that manage multiple accounts, we always need to SetCredentials before publish, otherwise the tweet won't be published on the right account.
PS: Is there a way to get the error when publish fails ?