Hi MatR,
It depends on what you are willing to do. If the @MyScreenName is really YOUR ScreenName, I would personally use the UserStream because it will include the private tweets.
If you want to get all the public tweets mentioning a specific user screen you can use the FilteredStream.
Hope this helps.
It depends on what you are willing to do. If the @MyScreenName is really YOUR ScreenName, I would personally use the UserStream because it will include the private tweets.
var us = Stream.CreateUserStream(); us.TweetCreatedByAnyone += (sender, args) => { var userMentions = args.Tweet.UserMentions; if (userMentions != null&& userMentions.Any(x => x.ScreenName == "MY_SCREEN_NAME")) { // Do whatever } }; us.StartStream();
var fs = Stream.CreateFilteredStream(); fs.AddTrack("@MY_SCREEN_NAME"); fs.MatchingTweetReceived += (sender, args) => { Console.WriteLine(args.Tweet.Text); }; fs.StartStreamMatchingAnyCondition();