New Post: ReplyTo is not threaded
Hi, This is working perfectly fine for me.var tweet = Tweet.PublishTweet("hello"); var tweet2 = Tweet.CreateTweet("reply"); tweet2.PublishInReplyTo(tweet);Would you please be more precise or give me...
View ArticleNew Post: Tweet.GetTweet returns null
Hi, Are you sure that you have the right to access this Tweet? You could have received Not Found if it was deleted after it got published or if it was private and you are not allowed to view it. Linvi
View ArticleNew Post: Twitter through proxy
So far I never got any issue with proxies. Please let me know if you do and I'll try to help you as much as I can. Linvi
View ArticleNew Post: Twitter through proxy
Ok, my message was misunderstood. I'm sorry for my poor English. I will explain my question by other way. For example I have direct connection to the Internet. But I want to send requests to Twitter...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with GetFriends()
Hi, Sorry to bother you with what's probably a simple answer but I'm trying to retrieve a list of a users friends but the function is returning me an Enum, I'm really unsure what to do with it, I...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with GetFriends()
Hi, An IEnumerable is not an Enum, it is a 'List' that you cannot modify. If you are more used to play with List just do the following. First add the following namespace at the top of your file:using...
View ArticleNew Post: Twitter through proxy
Hi, Yes, you will have to change the code in order to do that, I have a work item to provide such feature for tweetinvi 1.0 but we are not quite near for this release to be published. I would advise...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with GetFriends()
Aah right that clears it up, thank you very much. Also thank you for the library :)
View ArticleNew Post: NullReferenceException
Hi, User.GetLoggedUser() intermittently throws NullException. Anyone knows what cause this? I setup my credentials same as told in the documentation. Thanks
View ArticleNew Post: NullReferenceException
Hi, Are you sure that User.GetLoggedUser throws a null exception or are you using the object from GetLoggedUser and this object is null? Linvi
View ArticleCommented Unassigned: Tweet favourite [2096]
I am trying to mark a tweet as a favourite, I have the authorization token and am able to view profile details. When I search for tweets I get back list but I am unable to mark any as a favourite, I...
View ArticleNew Post: Tweet.GetTweet returns null
The tweet had not been deleted as I had sent it from another user in a web browser. Although the user was not anyone I was following or followed by, I was mentioned in it and I have R/W & Direct...
View ArticleNew Post: ReplyTo is not threaded
I think this is working OK now for me too. My confusion I believe stems from the fact that if you don't embed the screenname of the creator of the parent tweet in the reply, it is not presented as one...
View ArticleNew Post: nuget updates
Hi, I've never used nuget before, but I thought it might be a convenient way to keep up to date with tweetinvi. I'm having some problems implementing tweetinvi (cannot tweet more than once), but before...
View ArticleNew Post: nuget updates
Hi, Sorry for the confusion, for some reason I forgot to list Tweetinvi as a public package which made it impossible for you to see. The versions available on the download sections are always...
View ArticleNew Post: ReplyTo is not threaded
I see, I could offer this option in later versions, I will create a work item. Regards, Linvi
View ArticleCreated Task: PublishReply/PublishInReplyTo : Option to add screen name [2101]
When replying on the website, it includes the @screen_name of the user to who we want to reply to.Give the option to do the same thing within Tweetinvi
View ArticleNew Post: nuget updates
Thanks for the quick reply! I've just grabbed the latest version via nuget, and what you say about minor release versions makes perfect sense. (and thank you for tweetinvi!)
View ArticleNew Post: Tweet.GetTweet returns null
Hi Linvi are you able to reproduce this from the above code? That is, when I breakpoint on var x=0; (to keep var tweet in scope) tweet is always null, even though the Id passed to GetTweet looks good.
View ArticleNew Post: Comparing lists of GetFriends() and GetFollowers()
Hello again, I've come up with a problem that I have tried to solve myself and through asking on StackExchange, I am trying to compare the list of friends against the list of followers and display the...
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